Our Pastor

Michael Evans

Lead Pastor

A new vision for a new inclusivity! Michael has served multiple congregations over the years. This has caused a soul searching for a kind of church that is based on curiosity and not dogmatic critique about the world in which we are privileged to live and move and have our being. Open Door UCC is an experiment in what it means to be a church that recognizes one holy driving life force for all people and religions. A guiding principle is that God Is Still Speaking. God is not contained in one specific book. The Life Force has been moving and evolving this planet and all that exists on it for 13.8 billion years and will continue to do so long after everyone of us is gone. Michael wants to go beyond what has been traditional protestant middle America "church." Most of Christian history is built on exclusion. At Open Door UCC there is a receptivity to becoming a fellowship that gathers around the central conviction that we want to connect to the Holy Other that boggles the mind and is beyond anything we will ever totally comprehend or appreciate. Our goal is to appreciate being alive and to share that gift with the world around us.